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We Are Tender Babies To God

If only men understood the act that’s constantly displayed via the holy communion they would never stop marveling at the great love of God for man.
You see how a mother feeds the tender baby at her breast? You understand the feelings of love in the mother as she feeds her tender baby? Her act of feeding the baby is an expression of that love. So why does she feed the baby? Because of love. So does God feed us in the holy communion through His priests.

Now, like the mother to her baby He does not allow us put the food into our mouths by ourselves but puts the holy communion into our mouths by Himself through His priests. It is the act of the mother feeding the tender baby. It is because of love. We are tender babies to God.
But unlike the mother God goes even much farther and deeper by feeding us with nothing but His entire self: body, soul and divinity. Now, not even the mother creature whose children are nourished by her own body to death has offered such gift and love to them as God has been doing and is still doing and will continue to do forever to us.
If you are not saved at the last day it is entirely your fault. Hear now, come and eat from God and of God! It is for free. You don’t have to pay anything. Only bring your heart that the Father might fill and repair it completely.
I tell you, men do not see nor understand the great love displayed at the holy communion, and some even abuse the love by treating with disrespect such greatest show of love in the entire creation. It is because they are blinded by the flesh and the demon whose deceptions they often follow. The demon does not want man to perceive that great love of God. For with that perception man would be struck in the heart with love, admiration and mercy for God, and go to Him. So how can man defeat the demon and see? He needs to first stop listening to the demon and follow only in the steps of righteousness, then he will see and love.
~Jude Philipmary


Just a little about me: I do music, and I write. For these I was born, for them I live, and through them shall I see God. I'm a Christian, a lover of God. For more please see

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