People underestimate the dreadfulness of sin. They do not know what that thing is! Did you know that in the eyes of heaven, obstinacy in sin makes one less than a dog? For dogs may be wild, but they do not know what they are doing, and thus, they are innocent. But as for the unrepentant sinner, he knows well and understands fully what he is doing, how wrong his ways are, how destructive to life his sins are, yet he keeps on doing it and not willing to stop. This brings him less than a dog. Yet I tell you that the only reason he’s still considered a son of God is that he’s still alive and so is yet to die spiritually; he is still redeemable. In that light alone, he’s infinitely higher than a dog. But joined to his obstinacy in sin he’s at that very time less than a dog. Never underestimate the destructive power of sin!
~Jude Philipmary
Image by Zeke Tucker on unsplash