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It All Started With The Loss Of The Faith Of Our Fathers

Sometimes I sit and remember the Christian faith of our fathers, the strong faith that truly expressed strong love for, and loyalty to God in all its ways. I sit and sing the holy songs and hymns of old, wishing those days are here with us as it was with them at that time. I wished because that faith is no longer with us now; it has been taken from us by the world. All that is now left, all we now see are the emptiness of men, the emptiness of the world. I reminisce on the days of old, the better days when men were godly, peaceful; when innocence reigned among youngsters, when wars and hunger were minimal in the world, when men didn’t think they know too much as to challenge God’s order for nature. I dream of the days when there were no chaos and the hearts of men were not burdened by worries over some wicked fools who want to end their lives and steal the whole world for their own. I dream of the days when so many men didn’t have their minds turned upside down as to begin calling good evil, and evil good. I dream of the days when there were no many mad people on earth!

Do you not see? It all started with the loss of the faith of our fathers. For as the world succeeded in snatching away that faith, they instantly succeeded in turning the minds of so many, and in fact, most men away from light to darkness. So that today, murder is good to them, the human in the womb is called disposable, a man calls himself woman, and a woman calls herself man, the poor man is rendered defenseless and oppressed, society has turned into the animalistic survival of the fittest with people getting rich over the blood of helpless others, compassion is crucified, love and kindness have grown very cold, the good man is mocked, and the bad man is complimented.

It is madness! Do you not yet see? It all started with the loss of the faith of our fathers, and it will continue to worsen unless that lost faith returns. It is the light that scatters the darkness. I tell you, that light keeps away the infernal one from men. But shall men have any excuse on the last day? Shall they? No, they won’t. For the infernal one is never permitted to touch their will. So, though the temptations are increased, they had their free will to choose to either remain with light or walk over into darkness. And worse for them that they chose darkness, for with increased temptation goes increased sin, and with increased sin goes increased punishment. They shall all suffer worse than their forbears who went down to hell before their time.

Look, the darkness is great. The faith of our fathers is lost. Jesus will bring it back. We shall leave this emptiness of men that now assail us. It shall be well again; the darkness shall flee! The holy faith shall stay with us even through persecutions until the end of the world when Christ shall come to give us all who are His, the final eternal victory, the very victory of our crosses.
~Jude Philipmary


Just a little about me: I do music, and I write. For these I was born, for them I live, and through them shall I see God. I'm a Christian, a lover of God. For more please see

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